Amendment Defining Marriage


The Supreme Court is hearing arguments challenging Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment in California defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.  Use this link to sign the petition in support of traditional marriage:

CNN states: “The stakes, though, are decidedly clearer. In the case argued Tuesday and another to be heard on Wednesday, the nine justices could fundamentally alter how American law treats marriage.”

The problem most Americans have with challenging California’s ban on same-sex marriage (and same sex unions) by going to the Supreme Court is that a small group of people are trying to force their lifestyle on the majority who voted against it.  United States of America is a nation that (supposedly) is ruled by law.  Therefore, when the people of California (and in other states) voted down same sex marriage/unions, the people’s vote should stand.  Keep in mind that, before an election, an item must gather enough signatures on a petition to be put on the ballot; the outcome of the election sets the law.

Proponents of same sex marriage/unions used everything within their rights (along with violence) to get out their message to people and to motivate their supporters to vote.  When the decision was made on proposition 8, the topic should have been over and done with, but supporters of same sex marriage/unions won’t take “no” for an answer.  They believe their lifestyle should be recognized legally by the state in spite of election results.

The problem with taking California’s proposition 8 ban on same sex marriage/unions to the Supreme Court is that, if the Justices vote against California, the federal government would be negating a state’s authority on marriage.  And that is exactly the problem Justice Kennedy has with making a ruling on this matter; believing the federal government should not be intruding on a state’s authority to regulate marriage.

To the extent the swing justice [Justice Kennedy] is wary of the political implications of striking down all states’ marriage laws, then he might not want a ruling that would set the logical precedent for such a move.  …Cato Institute

It was noted in a letter from ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) several years ago that legitimizing same sex marriage/unions would be no different than legalizing relationships between first cousins, brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, and polygamy.

Use This Link to Watch Video on Supreme Court and Same Sex Marriage

Is the question really about procreation, equal rights, or REDEFINING MARRIAGE? Redefining Marriage is the problem most Conservatives have about courts giving same sex the right to marry and raise children.  The concern with same sex marriage/unions is that children will become confused about the role of men and women and relationships when the people they learn from are confused about these roles.  This seems to be a legitimate concern, which was discussed to a small degree in the CNN video, but it is misrepresented as a procreation issue and not a role model for what it means to be a man and what it means to be a women.

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