What To Do Now

The days ahead will be very dark and scary for awhile. The last several reports have likely left some of you concerned about your future, and for good reason. Truly, the America as we know it is soon coming to and end. Forces working against our liberty will prevail for a time.

It appears that we will no longer be a Democracy of Republics but a land ruled through socialism. It also appears that we have forgotten the foundation upon which this land was established and upon which it has been a blessed nation. We have strayed so far from those standards that the “Founding Fathers” would barely be able to recognize it now. You need to recognize what appears to be ahead of us so that you know how to respond to it.

We have prospered as a great nation but forgotten the Lord in these blessed times. We fornicate every day like it is our way of life instead of a diversion from the right. We do despicable evils to one another and kill our unborn because a child does not fit into our plans. How self-centered can we be, and how narcissistic can we be to think we can continue to do such evils and escape the Lords wrath.

You rarely hear me speak to you in this light. I try to keep my faith and theology out of the news, but in this case, after seeing the “handwriting on the wall” through the videos I’ve presented for your viewing, you need to know that our days of freedom as we know it are over. 

It’s up to you now on what you choose to do from here on out. I suggest you take your dollars and turn them into things that can be used after the fall of America. I suggest you use those dollars to buy food, alternative power, maybe a motor home or Mobile home and put it on some property in the country. Surely there will be rioting and other undesirable things going on so prepare to deal with that reality as well.

Now lastly, let me give you a quote from my friend Pastor Bob at www.daytonawestside.com.

God wants us to always remember that He is greater than any problem that we will ever face. His provisions are greater than any need we will ever have. His love for us is greater than any obstacle that we will ever encounter and all He wants us to do is to open our eyes and see Him in all of His glory and allow Him to win the victory for us. We can be sure that He will take care of any situation that we look to Him to handle. His timing may not be according to our schedule and He may come at what we see as the 11th hour but He will come if we will just trust in Him and in obedience cling to Him and His instruction and direction for our lives.