Peter Schiff Talks About 2012 and State of the Union

So The State of the Union is getting better? Well Peter Schiff says no. The Schiff Report – January 25th 2012

I covered Obama’s SOTU address in more depth on my radio show at
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420lse 12 hours ago

by  on Jan 20, 2012

“Russell from Louisville, KY: I fear my father’s retirement will come during the next severe downturn, rendering his life’s work into his retirement fund worthless. Same with my mom who has more to lose. Should they cash out of their 401(k), take the hit, and pay off their mortgage? Should they cash out individually and invest in a diversification of precious metals, currencies and foreign stocks? Is the best bet to somehow roll it from Fidelity to Euro Pac?Submit your webcast questions here:


New Jobless Report Suggests Double Dip

As the President and Democrats keep telling us that the economy is growing and that we are coming out of the recession, first-time unemployment claims keep going up each week. This week it is at 484,000 reported claims.

If you look at a chart that shows the new claims, we see a trend. We see the first cip of the recession, where unemployment was high, and then the supposed recovery as claimed by the President, but now the new reports shows us beginning a new dip. This new dip suggests we may be looking at the double dip that we have been concerned about

What a double dip means is that we are likely heading for a hyperinflation.

How close are we to the reality shown in this video? Now don’t freak out! I know it’s alarming but I show it to get your mind thinking of the possibility and to plan for what you will do to survive.

The economy is breaking at an alarming hate, in spite of what Washington tries to tell us.

If the economy crashes, we will quickly accept socialism or whatever government Obama gives us because we will feel that we won’t have a choice. So yes, I believe Liberals plan this eventual event.