Evangelicals Side With Mormons on Prop 8

—–Original Message—–
From: Annie L. Martin [mailto:annieathome@cox.net]
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 6:33 AM
To: jrmdd727@aim.com
Subject: Fw: [Family] Evangelical letter – Prop 8

Good morning, family and friends …

Although I am not familiar with this evangelist, he speaks well. It is true that it is time for all of us, not just churches, but all Americans to stand together for what is right.

Love ya.
Mom/Annie/Grannie Annie/Aunt Annie

—– Original Message —–
From: Stormie Johnston
What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Posted by: John Schroeder at 07:09 am, November 6th 2008
Proposition 8 is now a part of the California constitution!

That is probably the best news from an otherwise difficult election for conservatives and Republicans. In very large part, we Evangelicals must thank our Mormon cousins for that fact. They, along with our Catholic brethren, were better organized than us and that provided a base from which we could ALL work together to get this job done. What more, as we have chronicled here, Mormons took the brunt of the abuse, derision, and even threats of physical harm that came with this effort.

And like us, they have given thanks to the Almighty that is ultimately in control, even if their understanding of that Almighty is a bit diffrent than ours.

I cannot help but wonder how much more thankful we ALL might be today if we had been more willing to embrace these religious cousins a few months ago – but alas, politics is always about governing today and looking forward to the next election.

Said John Mark Reynolds:
In the battle for the family, however, traditional Christians have no better friends than the Mormon faithful. It would be wrong if that support were taken for granted. We are intolerant of the false attacks on Mormon faith and family. We stand with our Mormon friends in their right to express their views on the public square. We celebrate the areas, such as family values, where we agree.

A heart felt thank you may not win points from other friends who demand one hundred percent agreement from their allies, but it is the decent and proper thing to do.

Thank you to our Mormon friends and allies!
Hard to do better than that. The “Ruth Youth” ministry proclaimed yesterday “International Mormon Appreciation Day.” Very appropriate, yet still inadequate.

In addition to our thanks, Mormons deserve our protection. They have been oppressed in ways during the Prop 8 campaign that this nation has not seen since the 1960’s and the civil rights movement.

The rhetoric has been deplorable, but moreover. we have seen instances of vandalism, property destruction, and some leaders in the fight currently find themselves with armed protection because of the threats made against them and their families.

Our nation will not and cannot tolerate this sort of behavior – it is incumbent on all of us to stand against it, and the best way to do that is to stand between the Mormons and the forces that would perpetrate such evil.

Now I am sure the Mormons can, and probably want, to take care of themselves, but as a Christian, it is my duty to protect the innocent and free the oppressed. To turn a blind eye in this circumstance is not only ungracious, it is simply unChristian.

Make all the theological distinctions you want, but in the political arena we are yoked with the Mormons (he said borrowing some religious imagery) and it is darn well time we started acting like it.
Absolutely, positively thank the Mormons – but don’t stop there. Stand up and be counted against the evil that has been perpetrated towards them in this campaign.
As Christians we can do no less.


Family mailing list

Spending Our Way Into Oblivion

Spending Our Way Into Oblivion
By Harris R. Sherline
October 20, 2008

How much longer can the United States continue to spend more money than it takes in, and how much longer can we continue our spendthrift ways before something literally gives? The numbers are getting so big that they are beyond comprehension.

For example, billions and trillions of dollars are almost impossible to understand. Generally, we seem to know what a million dollars can buy. We see the number in the prices of real estate and homes, or perhaps the statistics about various businesses. But, we rarely see big numbers illustrated in terms that are easier to visualize. For example, a billion dollars is 1,000 times one million, and a trillion is a 1000 times one billion.

Considering a billion dollars in terms that may be easier to grasp, at an average of $1,000 per month, based on U.S. Social Security Administration statistics, it would cover the social security benefits for over 83,000 seniors (age 65 and over) for one year, and a trillion dollars could pay social security benefits for every senior in America, a total of about 36.8 million, for over two-and-a-quarter years.

America’s politicians are rapidly spending our way into oblivion. Almost a trillion dollars for the Bailout package, including 25 billion for the auto industry, 150 billion for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), an 85 billion loan to insurance giant, A.I.G., along with millions of dollars of “pork” for Hollywood producers (no wonder Hollywood is so anxious to produce anti-Bush movies), stockcar race track owners, Caribbean rum producers, Alaskan fishermen, and who knows what else. Remember, this bill was about 450 pages of text, and since it was handed to Congress only about one day before it was approved, it’s obvious that no one read it or really knew what was buried in it.

In addition, two bills sponsored by Barack Obama are currently working their way through Congress: the Jubilee Act (S. 2166) would cancel as much as another $75 billion worth of Third World Debt and the Global Poverty Act (S. 2433), at an estimated cost of $845 billion.

All this adds up to about two trillion dollars, enough to pay Social Security benefits to the entire senior population for more than four-and-a-half years. We are told the money comes from borrowing, which amounts to putting more currency into circulation.

The ultimate result is inflation. How much and how fast is anyone’s guess, but history is clear about what happens to governments that increase the supply of their currency without appropriate controls and corresponding increases in production. It’s simply a matter of too much money chasing too few goods.

Argentina experienced chronic inflation from 1949 through the 1980s. Hyperinflation exploded to almost 5,000 percent in 1989, when government expenditures reached 35.6 percent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and subsequently topped out at over 20,000 percent.

A more contemporary example is Zimbabwe, where hyperinflation reached 12,000 percent in 2006, then increased to the point where a single Zimbabwean dollar was eventually denominated as about $10 trillion. The government was finally forced to lop ten zeros from their currency so the calculators could handle the numbers.

When this happens, people refuse to hold their own nation’s currency and convert their money to other assets that they believe will hold their value as their currency continues to rapidly depreciate. In Argentina, wealthy citizens tried to deposit their money in American banks or they bought stock in American companies. The less wealthy attempted to hold U.S. $100 bills or bought houses or gold or commodities, such as rice — anything to get rid of their pesos. They also tried to offset the consequences of unbridled inflation by indexing contracts, which adjusted payments to compensate for the rise in prices over time.

The bottom line is that the currency of a nation that is experiencing runaway inflation becomes worthless, productivity decreases, capital takes flight, and there are a variety of other consequences, such as the government refusing to redeem the bonds it has issued, etc.

The U.S. is rapidly headed down this track. Running continuous deficits and issuing bonds far in excess of our ability to pay is the beginning of the cycle. We’ve been doing this since WWII, and Americans instinctively know that it’s not right. They may not be financial experts, but they know a con when they see one, and most of them seem to recognize what’s happening now with the “$700 Billion Bailout” and have been protesting very vocally. Unfortunately, only a few members of Congress have been listening.

It’s not too late to stop the train, if common sense is allowed to prevail. If not, we can only look forward to more and higher inflation, just as in Argentina or Zimbabwe, with all the consequences that go with it.

NOTE: Read more of Harris Sherline’s commentaries on his blog at “opinionfest.com.


Note — The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, and/or philosophy of GOPUSA.


  • How do you see this problem being resolved?
  • Do you think there is anything you can do to off-set this problem in your own homes?
  • Are you going to begin putting your assets into other things like foreign currency or gold?
  • What are your current plans to resolve this issues in your own homes?
  • Will your own out-of-control spending habits change now that you see the problem our government is experiencing?
  • What plans can you make now that will help you deal with the coming crash with the situation takes a nose-dive?
  • Do you have some suggestions for families that you have found helpful?

I welcome your comments on these questons so that your answers can help all of us. I am not an economic experts, but I am sure some of you out there reading this report are, and can help us if you are so inclined. I hope you will be inclined to help us and that we will heed your advice.


Judith Sherman

I’m Ticked-Off Again About The Media


Why can’t the media be decent? They aren’t happy enough with controlling the information that goes out to the people about the Republican party during this election, because of their own biased and obvious favoritism toward Obama and the Democratic party, and now they want to Destroy McCain and Palin. What I am saying is that it’s not enough that the Republican party lost the elections in many ways this time, but they’ve got to kick them when their down too.

I am referring to the negative attention the media gave Sarah Palin and Joe Lieberman in the news today. These two people are fine representatives of what’s good about America. Why does the media feel they have to do everything in their power to destroy people like them?

A perfect example is what I heard on the Fox News Channel today: if Palin really did that kind of shopping spree, why weren’t the media there reporting on it? Instead, they wait until the election is over because they have nothing better to do…I mean nothing nasty enough to report.

Why can’t we get decent people to run for President any more? It’s because the media tries to destroy them the instant they announce they are running. Candidates know better than to expose themselves and families to that negativity. Look at what the media did to Perot when he ran for President. He had to withdraw because his family was being threatened.

Then take a look at what they’ve done to “Joe the Plummer.” His only offense is that his name was mentioned by McCain, and because of what Obama said about redistributing the wealth when Joe asked about his tax plan. The media went on the attack and tried to destroy Joe’s reputation. Heaven help us if we ever get caught on television saying something like Joe did.

NOW, here is my point: The media gets away with this because nobody is watching over them and making them accountable (like they did with Dan Rather because he was so obviously in the wrong). It’s worse at election time. People are sick of it. However, they wouldn’t pay attention to the negatives about Obama when they should have, but they have no problem paying attention to garbage about the Republicans and Sarah Palin.

The media’s attitude, “So when they are down, let’s pounce on them and go for the juggler”, is disgusting to me and to many good American voters. We the people buy into this garbage reporting, otherwise there would be no audience for it. It’s time we stop supporting this unacceptable reporting by the media and make them accountable. Write to your Congressman, write to the newspaper the reporters represent, or write to people like Bill O’Reilly. Why not write to the reporter himself or herself.

Remember, the world is watching us. No wonder America has so many people who HATE us. They have no respect for a country that thinks this sort of behavior is acceptable. Do you think you find this sort of thing going on in other countries? No way, they respect their country and leaders too much to do that…just as we should.

Okay, now I have said my peace. I hope you will write back and tell me how you feel about this article. I also hope you will do what I’ve suggested and write to the Democrat or Republican party and ask them to denounce this practice. Or perhaps you will write the newspapers and people like Bill O’Reilly. Those who have blogs, perhaps you will do a story on this problem. I hope you will do something!

I appreciate you reading my message and hope that you will open your mouth and do something like I am.


Judith Sherman,