A New President



What an exciting day we had today. We have a new president and a new family in the White House. History is being made today, and that in itself is exciting.

What happens after the honeymoon is over and the “talking head” start making their “talking-points” about what’s wrong in government? You know it’s going to happen; it always does. That’s the nasty side of politics that I really dislike.

Now I will admit that I was NOT for Obama as president. I have great concerns about his policies and plans to leave America open and helpless for another 9/11 attack, when he closes down the prison in Cuba for the really bad guys and puts them right here in America. I don’t think that is very smart. I also worry that Democrats in general do not believe we are really in a war on terror; in fact, they’ve stopped using the term “war on terrorism”.  I also have a huge objection to God being removed from everything we hold dear, as well as abortion at any part of the term when it’s “ON DEMAND”. 

With all this being said, I do support our new President. I want to have hope that most of America will do the same, even if we don’t all agree on his policies. We really do need to unite. I’ve been saying this for years. I was appalled by the 2000 and 2004 elections, where DEMOCRATS played the race card and tried to tell people that Republicans were racists and that Bush hated blacks. What made me really angry is when the Associated Press reported Democrats were encouraging people to say anything, true or false, to infer that Republicans were obstructionists at the polls. How dare they use the eniquities of race as a tool in their political arsenal? Race is only an issue when we let them (politicians who have something to gain) get away with it. Only we can end the race war when we refuse to participate.

Okay, now we have a beautiful black man and a lovely family in the White House. Let’s give him the respect the President of the United States deserves and forget about the race of this man. Do you think we can get over that fairly soon; after all the celebrations are over? I hope so. Can we all be of one race, the human race?  Can we all be Americans with an American President? I truly hope so, because united we stand but divided we fall.