President Bush’s Final Speech


Watch this video of  Fox News Report on President Bush’s Final Speech. Do you think President Bush should take the major part of the blame for the recession he leaves to President Obama, or do you think other factors, including Congress ignoring the problem years and years ago, is to blame?

Americans have such a short memory. They forget all the good that transpired over the past several years, after September 11th sent us into a tailspin. I believe President Bush did a fine job in uniting the American people and keeping them focused on the problems we faced back then. I also believe he did more for this country in keeping us safe from another attack than probably any other president in our history.

So why can’t Americans remember the good things President Bush has done, and instead, make fun of him and blame him for everything wrong in America today? I don’t like what that says about America, do you?  It seems to me that President Bush is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t protect America by going to war in other lands. It also seems fair to say that most of the blame should be put on the oppossing political party and biased media for too much emphasis on the negatives of war and ignoring the positives that we have enjoyed and that Iraqi’s enjoy.

It seems we are acting like spoiled children when it comes to complaining about what we don’t have and forgetting the blessings. We are happy when we get what we want and everything goes well, but then cry and say things we shouldn’t when things don’t go as well as planned. As if spoiled children when we have to go without in order to fund a war, we relentlessly complain until Congress or the President gives in to our demands…even if those demands are not what is good for us. 

Now here we are at the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Will we learn from our past mistakes or will we continue to demand more than we should from our government?  Will we run ourselves into a deeper hole because, like spoiled children, we demand too much and give up too little to have what we want?

Obama is going to be in a difficult position when he takes office! He will need our support and our willingness to do what it takes to get out of the mess Wall Street, Congress, Politicians, and Corporate CEO’s greed put us in these past ten years.  

I realize that many of the programs we want the President to push through Congress are goodones. However, that won’t help if we can’t really afford them or we put the security of our nation at risk by cutting the military and weapons.  If we don’t control spending and we don’t protect America from future attacks, we will be in a bigger mess than we are now.  What good is gained to trade our protection for programs if we get hit again by terrorist?  Their targets are our communications, transportation, and financial institutions! What good are programs if these systems are taken out?  In other words, what good is a loaded down wagon (i.e., government is the wagon loaded up with expensive programs) if there is no horse to pull it or no place to take it?

Also see: 
Having a Sense of Entitlement

The Market Is Blamed

Congress Knew About Fannie Mae in 2004